Logo ID | 01-000242 |
Approved Date | 2004/12/10 |
Application ID | US-20041027-000154 |
Applied Date | 2004/10/27 |
OEM Licensor's Logo ID | - |
Note |
Approved for ARM architecture |
Target Information | ||
Test Category | - | |
Vendor Name | Microsoft Corporation | |
Country | US | |
Product Name | Windows | |
Product Version | CE 4.2 | |
Product Classification | Host | |
Product Description |
OS with host and router capabilities Platforms are: X86 CEPC, SH4 Aspen, MIPSII SG2_VR5500, ARMv4 XSC9BD |
Vendor's Note | - | |
Test Information | Test Specification | - |
Interoperability Test Scneario | - | |
Information for Series of Product | - |
Interoperable Devices |
Router | |||
1 | Vendor Name | - | ||
Device Name | - | |||
Version | - | |||
2 | Vendor Name | - | ||
Device Name | - | |||
Version | - | |||
Host | ||||
1 | Vendor Name | - | ||
Device Name | - | |||
Version | - | |||
2 | Vendor Name | - | ||
Device Name | - | |||
Version | - | |||
Target supporting Advanced Functions: |
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node) |