Details of Logo 01-000280

TOP > 01-000280


Logo ID 01-000280
Approved Date 2005/05/12
Application ID JP-20050413-000220
Applied Date 2005/04/13
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
    The latest product name is "AX7800S series(AX7804S, AX7808S, AX7816S), AX7800R series(AX7804R, AX7808R, AX7816R), AX5400S series(AX5402S, AX5404S), and AX7700R series(AX7702R)". Its latest product version is 9.4. Its latest product description is "IPv4/v6 router/switch supporting wire-rate packet forwarding/filtering/QoS for all of the supported interfaces, including 10G Ethernet."    
Target Information
Test Category -
Vendor Name AlaxalA Networks, Corp.
Country JP
Product Name (original) AX7804S, AX7808S, AX7816S, AX7804R, AX7808R, AX7816R
Product Version (original) 9.1-/C
Product Description (original) Backbone IPv4/v6 Router/Switch supporting wire-rate forwarding/filtering/QoS for 10G-Ethernet.
AX7804S, AX7808S, AX7816S, AX7804R, AX7808R, AX7816R is same architecture(Protocol stack and H/W).
Product Name AX7800S series(AX7804S, AX7808S, AX7816S), AX7800R series(AX7804R, AX7808R, AX7816R), AX5400S series(AX5402S, AX5404S), and AX7700R series(AX7702R)
Product Version 9.4
Product Classification Router
Product Description IPv4/v6 router/switch supporting wire-rate packet forwarding/filtering/QoS for all of the supported interfaces, including 10G Ethernet.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification -
Interoperability Test Scneario -
Information for Series of Product -
1 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
2 Vendor Name -
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Version -
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Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)