Details of Logo 01-000330

TOP > 01-000330


Logo ID 01-000330
Approved Date 2006/02/07
Application ID JP-20060124-000244
Applied Date 2006/01/24
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
    We're going to sell "C5900" with different product name to some region.
All of them use same hardware and software(include version).
Target Information
Test Category -
Vendor Name Oki Data Corporation
Country JP
Product Name (original) C5900
Product Version (original) D1.04
Product Description (original) This device is the non-impact color printer. We can connect C5900 to Ethernet LAN. We're going to start selling this device in a few days.
Product Name C5900(for "IT market" in Japan), C6100(for "IT market" in USA), C5700(for "IT market" in Europe and Asia), ES2632(for "OA market" in USA), ES2032(for "OA market" in Europe and Asia)
Product Version D1.04
Product Classification Special Device
Product Description This device is the non-impact color printer. We can connect C5900 to Ethernet LAN. We're going to start selling this device in a few days.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification -
Interoperability Test Scneario -
Information for Series of Product -
1 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
2 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
1 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
2 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)