Logo ID | 01-000438 |
Approved Date | 2007/12/04 |
Application ID | TW-20071113-000178 |
Applied Date | 2007/11/13 |
OEM Licensor's Logo ID | - |
Note | - |
Target Information | ||
Test Category | - | |
Vendor Name | NTU-MCNL(National Taiwan University, Mobile Communication Networking Lab.) | |
Country | TW | |
Product Name | IPv6 Tunnel Server | |
Product Version | 1.0.0 | |
Product Classification | Host | |
Product Description |
The NTU IPv6 Tunnel Server enables IPv4 hosts to transmit the packets to the IPv6 hosts, where the IPv4 hosts are assiged IPv6 addresses that is used for routing packets through the IPv6 network. The functionalities of NTU IPv6 Tunnel Server include (1)Automatically distribute the IPv6 addresses to IPv4 hosts. (2)Establish tunnels (for IPv4 hosts) in IPv6 networks. (3)Recycle the IPv6 addresses assigned to the IPv4 hosts that has completed the packet transmission. (4)Encapsulate/Decapuslate the IPv4 packets with IPv6 header. |
Vendor's Note | - | |
Test Information | Test Specification | 3.8.10 |
Interoperability Test Scneario | 2.8.4 | |
Information for Series of Product | - |
Interoperable Devices |
Router | |||
1 | Vendor Name | The NetBSD Project | ||
Device Name | NetBSD | |||
Version | 3.0-RELEASE | |||
2 | Vendor Name | The FreeBSD Project | ||
Device Name | FreeBSD | |||
Version | 5.4-RELEASE | |||
Host | ||||
1 | Vendor Name | Kernel.Org | ||
Device Name | Mainline Linux Kernel | |||
Version | | |||
2 | Vendor Name | USAGI Project | ||
Device Name | USAGI | |||
Version | usagi-linux26-s20060327 | |||
Target supporting Advanced Functions: |
o Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node) |