Logo ID | 01-000450 |
Approved Date | 2008/05/14 |
Application ID | JP-20080424-000300 |
Applied Date | 2008/04/24 |
OEM Licensor's Logo ID | - |
Note |
The newest approved version with Logo ID 01-000450 at 20080514. The first approval was given for the product version 1.0b at 20080222. |
Target Information | ||
Test Category | - | |
Vendor Name | NEC Communication Systems, Ltd. | |
Country | JP | |
Product Name | Qlism | |
Product Version | 1.1 | |
Product Classification | Special Device | |
Product Description | TCP/IPv4/IPv6 middleware for embedded devices | |
Vendor's Note | - | |
Test Information | Test Specification | 3.8.10 |
Interoperability Test Scneario | 2.8.4 | |
Information for Series of Product | - |
Interoperable Devices |
Router | |||
1 | Vendor Name | The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. | ||
Device Name | NetBSD | |||
Version | 3.0 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | The FreeBSD Project | ||
Device Name | FreeBSD | |||
Version | 6.2-RELEASE | |||
Host | ||||
1 | Vendor Name | Microsoft | ||
Device Name | Windows_XP | |||
Version | 2002 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | Canonical Ltd. | ||
Device Name | Ubuntu Foundation | |||
Version | Ubuntu / Version: 2.6.22-14-server | |||
Target supporting Advanced Functions: |
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node) |
Logo ID | 01-000450 |
Approved Date | 2008/02/22 |
Application ID | JP-20080129-000293 |
Applied Date | 2008/01/29 |
OEM Licensor's Logo ID | - |
Note |
The original approved version with Logo ID 01-000450 on 20080222. |
Target Information | ||
Test Category | - | |
Vendor Name | NEC Communication Systems, Ltd. | |
Country | JP | |
Product Name (original) | Qlism | |
Product Version (original) | 1.0b | |
Product Description (original) | TCP/IPv4/IPv6 middleware for embedded devices | |
Product Name | Qlism | |
Product Version | 1.1 | |
Product Classification | Special Device | |
Product Description | TCP/IPv4/IPv6 middleware for embedded devices | |
Vendor's Note | - | |
Test Information | Test Specification | - |
Interoperability Test Scneario | - | |
Information for Series of Product | - |
Interoperable Devices |
Router | |||
1 | Vendor Name | NetBSD | ||
Device Name | routerN | |||
Version | 3.0 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | FreeBSD | ||
Device Name | routerF | |||
Version | 6.2 | |||
Host | ||||
1 | Vendor Name | NetBSD | ||
Device Name | hostN | |||
Version | 3.0 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | FreeBSD | ||
Device Name | hostF | |||
Version | 6.2 | |||
Target supporting Advanced Functions: |
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node) |