Details of Logo 01-000469

TOP > 01-000469


Logo ID 01-000469
Approved Date 2008/08/18
Application ID US-20080717-000193
Applied Date 2008/07/17
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category -
Vendor Name Quantum Corporation
Country US
Product Name DXi7500 Series
Product Version v1.2
Product Classification Special Device
Product Description VTL/NAS Disk Backup Device
This product is mainly used to access and store the large amount of data on disks for backup and for future reference.
This is specially designed for Storage domain and it has all functionalities to maintain and access
the large amount of data. It also has features to manage the abnormalities by SNMP, SMTP.
The other supported features of this device are NAS (Network Attached Storage) accessibility.
and Configuration Management Services. This is an enterprise solution with proprietary components.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification Self_Test_1-4-15
Interoperability Test Scneario Ver. 2.8.4 []
Information for Series of Product -
1 Vendor Name SuperMicro (X5DL8-GG)
Device Name FreeBSD
Version 6.2
2 Vendor Name CONNOISEUR (S3000AH Sky Runner)
Device Name NetBSD
Version 4.0
1 Vendor Name Dell(PowerEdge 500SC)
Device Name Solaris X86
Version 10.0
2 Vendor Name Dell(Optiplex GX150)
Device Name Windows
Version Server2003
Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
o Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)