Logo ID | 01-000511 |
Approved Date | 2009/09/03 |
Application ID | US-20090826-000208 |
Applied Date | 2009/08/26 |
OEM Licensor's Logo ID | - |
Note | - |
Target Information | ||
Test Category | - | |
Vendor Name | Enterasys Networks | |
Country | US | |
Product Name | Enterasys C3 | |
Product Version | | |
Product Classification | Router | |
Product Description | The Enterasys C3 is a high-performance stackable L2/L3 switch providing IPv4 and IPv6 routing, along with support for 10 GE uplinks, Power-over-Ethernet, and role-based policies for dynamic policing of user access, network security, and application prioritization. | |
Vendor's Note | - | |
Test Information | Test Specification | 4.0.4 |
Interoperability Test Scneario | 4.0.2 | |
Information for Series of Product | - |
Interoperable Devices |
Router | |||
1 | Vendor Name | Foundry Networks | ||
Device Name | Fast Iron | |||
Version | 04.1.01T3e3 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | Cisco | ||
Device Name | VXR | |||
Version | 12.3(22) | |||
Host | ||||
1 | Vendor Name | Fedora | ||
Device Name | Fedora Core 3 | |||
Version | 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | Microsoft | ||
Device Name | Windows Vista | |||
Version | 6.0.6001 | |||
Target supporting Advanced Functions: |
o Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node) |