Details of Logo 02-C-000302

TOP > 02-C-000302


Logo ID 02-C-000302
Approved Date 2008/10/15
Application ID KR-2-C-20080922-000119
Applied Date 2008/09/22
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
    Information update: CLP-360 Series is added to the product name list on 20120209.
Information update:ML-2160 Series is added to the product name list on 20110614.
Information update: The latest product names are:
Samsung SCX-6x55 Series,
Samsung SCX-5835/5935 Series,
Samsung SCX-5635 Series,
Samsung SCX-4x28 Series,
Samsung SCX-4500W Series,
Samsung CLX-6200 Series,
Samsung CLP-310 Series,
Samsung CLP-610 Series,
Samsung CLX-3170 Series,
Samsung ML-1630W Series,
Samsung ML-1910 Series,
Samsung ML-3470 Series,
Samsung ML-4050 Series,
Samsung ML-2850 Series,
Samsung CLP-620 Series,
Samsung CLX-6220 Series,
Samsung ML-2580 Series,
Samsung SCX-4623 Series,
Samsung SCX-6545 Series,
Samsung CLP-320 Series,
Samsung CLX-3180 Series,
Samsung CLX-1660 Series,
Samsung SCX-3200 Series,
Samsung ML-2520 Series,
Samsung ML-5510 6510 Series,
Samsung ML-331X Series
Samsung SCX-4833FD Series
Samsung ML-1800 Series.
Total number of models is 28 as of 20100928.

Information update: The latest product names are Samsung SCX-6x55 Series, Samsung SCX-5835/5935 Series, Samsung SCX-5635 Series, Samsung SCX-4x28 Series, Samsung SCX-4500W Series, Samsung CLX-6200 Series, Samsung CLP-310 Series, Samsung CLP-610 Series,
Samsung CLX-3170 Series, Samsung ML-1630W Series, Samsung ML-1910 Series, Samsung ML-3470 Series, Samsung ML-4050 Series, Samsung ML-2850 Series, Samsung CLP-620 Series, Samsung CLX-6220 Series, Samsung ML-2580 Series, Samsung SCX-4623 Series,
Samsung SCX-6545 Series, Samsung CLP-320 Series, Samsung CLX-3180 Series, Samsung CLX-1660 Series, Samsung SCX-3200 Series, Samsung ML-2520 Series, Samsung ML-5510 6510 Series, Samsung SCX-3200 Series, Samsung SCX-4932 Series, Samsung ML-1800 Series.
Total number of models is 28 as of 20100722.
Target Information
Test Category Core Protocols
Vendor Name HP.Inc
Country KR
Product Name (original) Samsung SCX-6x55 Series, Samsung SCX-5835/5935 Series, Samsung SCX-5635 Series, Samsung SCX-4x28 Series, Samsung SCX-4500W Series, Samsung CLX-6200 Series, Samsung CLP-310 Series, Samsung CLP-610 Series, Samsung CLX-3170 Series, Samsung ML-1630W Series, Samsung ML-1910 Series, Samsung ML-3470 Series, Samsung ML-4050 Series, Samsung ML-2850 Series
Product Version (original)
Product Description (original) The listed Samsung Laser printers and MFPs are IPv4/IPv6 dual network system which provides highly optimized and feature-enhanced IPv4/IPv6 network solutions for printers and MFPs. These products are integrated with Wind River IPv4/IPv6 dual network stack on pSOS 2.5 platform.
Product Name Samsung SCX-6x55 Series, Samsung SCX-5835/5935 Series, Samsung SCX-5635 Series, Samsung SCX-4x28 Series, Samsung SCX-4500W Series, Samsung CLX-6200 Series, Samsung CLP-310 Series, Samsung CLP-610 Series, Samsung CLX-3170 Series, Samsung ML-1630W Series, Samsung ML-1910 Series, Samsung ML-3470 Series, Samsung ML-4050 Series, Samsung ML-2850 Series, Samsung CLP-620 Series, Samsung CLX-6220 Series, Samsung ML-2580 Series, Samsung SCX-4623 Series, Samsung SCX-6545 Series, Samsung CLP-320 Series, Samsung CLX-3180 Series, Samsung CLX-1660 Series, Samsung SCX-3200 Series, Samsung ML-2520 Series, Samsung ML-5510 6510 Series, Samsung SCX-3200 Series, Samsung SCX-4932 Series, Samsung ML-1800 Series, ML-2160 Series, CLP-360 Series, Samsung M201x Series(Xpress SL-M2010W), Samsung M202x Series(Xpress SL-M2020W, Xpress SL-M2021W, Xpress SL-M2023W, Xpress SL-M2024W, Xpress SL-M2026W, Xpress SL-M2027W, Xpress SL-M2029W)
Product Version
Product Classification Host
Product Description The listed Samsung Laser printers and MFPs are IPv4/IPv6 dual network system which provides highly optimized and feature-enhanced IPv4/IPv6 network solutions for printers and MFPs. These products are integrated with Wind River IPv4/IPv6 dual network stack on pSOS 2.5 platform.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification 3.8.11
Interoperability Test Scneario 2.8.4
Information for Series of Product -
1 Vendor Name Cisco Systems, Inc.
Device Name Cisco 1721
Version IOS 12.4T(15)
2 Vendor Name Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Device Name Solaris
Version SunOS 5.10 Generic_120012-14
1 Vendor Name The Fedora project
Device Name Fedora
Version 2.6.25-14.fc9
2 Vendor Name Apple Inc.
Device Name Mac OS X
Version 10.5
Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
o Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)
- Configuring Multicast Packet Size
- Multicast Routing(Router Only)
- RFC 4191 Type C Host(Host Only)
- Duplicate Overlapping Fragments
- Beyond Scope of Source Address(Router Only)
- Tracking Connections for ICMPv6
- Router Advertisement DNS (Host Only)