Details of Logo 02-C-001487

TOP > 02-C-001487


Logo ID 02-C-001487
Approved Date 2016/06/02
Application ID IN-2-C-20160225-000145
Applied Date 2016/02/25
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category Core Protocols
Vendor Name HP.Inc
Country IN
Product Name (original) HP-Page Wide Pro Series
Product Version (original) 1603
Product Description (original) HP PageWide series
Product Name HP-Page Wide Pro Series
Product Version 1603
Product Classification Host
Product Description HP PageWide series
Vendor's Note
HP DesignJet T730 Series
HP DesignJet T830 Series

v6LC.2.2.13B and v6LC.4.1.6 (A-B) have been waived by IPv6 Ready Logo Committee(contact:Timothy Winters)for HP-Page Wide Pro Series.

“HP PageWide 352dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide 377dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro 477dn” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro 477dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro 452 dn” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro 452 dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro 552dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro 577dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro MFP 577z” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed P55250dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed P57750dw” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP Office Jet Pro 8730” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP Office Jet Pro 8740” also use the same Ipv6 stac
“HP Office Jet Pro 8210” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP Office Jet Pro 8216” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP Office Jet Pro 7740” also use the same Ipv6 stack
“HP OfficeJet Pro 7720 Wide Format All-in-one” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP OfficeJet Pro 7730 Wide Format All-in-one” also uses the same IPv6 stack

“HP PageWide Pro 750dn” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro 750dw” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed P75050dn” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed P75050dw” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro MFP 772dn” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro MFP 772zs” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro MFP 772dw” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77740dw” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77740dn” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro MFP 777z” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Pro MFP 777hc” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77740z” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77750z” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77760z” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77740zs” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77750zs” also uses the same IPv6 stack
“HP PageWide Managed MFP P77760zs” also uses the same IPv6 stack
Test Information Test Specification 4.0.6
Interoperability Test Scneario 4.0.4
Information for Series of Product
1 Vendor Name The FreeBSD Project
Device Name FreeBSD
Version 6.4-RELEASE
2 Vendor Name Kernel.Org
Device Name Mainline Linux Kernel Linux
Version 2.6.27
1 Vendor Name The NetBSD Project
Device Name NetBSD
Version 4.0.1 (GENERIC)
2 Vendor Name USAGI Project
Device Name USAGI
Version Stable Release 6
Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)
- Configuring Multicast Packet Size
- Multicast Routing(Router Only)
- RFC 4191 Type C Host(Host Only)
- Duplicate Overlapping Fragments
- Beyond Scope of Source Address(Router Only)
- Tracking Connections for ICMPv6
- Router Advertisement DNS (Host Only)