Logo ID | 02-C-002022 |
Approved Date | 2024/09/13 |
Application ID | CN-2-C-20240905-001420 |
Applied Date | 2024/09/05 |
Usage Agreement | Agreed |
OEM Licensor's Logo ID | - |
Note | - |
Target Information | ||
Test Category | Core Protocols | |
Vendor Name | Beijing Topsec Network Security Technology Co., Ltd. | |
Country | CN | |
Product Name | Topsec Vulnerability scanning and management system | |
Product Version | V3 | |
Product Classification | Host | |
Product Description | The Topsec Vulnerability Scanning and Management System is a comprehensive vulnerability detection and assessment product which is independently developed based on the Next Generation Topsec Operating System (NGTOS). With years of research and accumulation on attacks such as system vulnerabilities and service backdoors, Topsec launched the product which can deeply detect the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system by smartly traversing rule library or by various scanning options. Based on the scanning results, the Topsec Vunerability Scanning and Management System can provide test cases to help check the accuracy of the vulnerability. Meanwhile, it can also provide solutions to help administrators fix vulnerabilities and improve overall security. | |
Vendor's Note | - | |
Test Information | Test Specification | 5.1.3 |
Interoperability Test Scneario | 5.0.6 | |
Information for Series of Product |
Interoperable Devices |
Router | |||
1 | Vendor Name | FreeBSD Project | ||
Device Name | FreeBSD | |||
Version | 9.1-release | |||
2 | Vendor Name | OpenBSD Project | ||
Device Name | OpenBSD | |||
Version | 5.3 | |||
Host | ||||
1 | Vendor Name | Microsoft | ||
Device Name | Windows 10 | |||
Version | 1903 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | Ubuntu Project | ||
Device Name | Ubuntu | |||
Version | 18.04.5 | |||
Target supporting Advanced Functions: |
o Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)
- Configuring Multicast Packet Size - Multicast Routing(Router Only) o RFC 4191 Type C Host(Host Only) o Duplicate Overlapping Fragments - Beyond Scope of Source Address(Router Only) - Tracking Connections for ICMPv6 - Router Advertisement DNS (Host Only) |
Logo ID | 02-C-002022 |
Approved Date | 2020/01/02 |
Application ID | CN-2-C-20191217-000664 |
Applied Date | 2019/12/17 |
Usage Agreement | Agreed |
OEM Licensor's Logo ID | - |
Note | - |
Target Information | ||
Test Category | Core Protocols | |
Vendor Name | Beijing Topsec Network Security Technology Co., Ltd. | |
Country | CN | |
Product Name | Topsec Vulnerability scanning and management system | |
Product Version | V3 | |
Product Classification | Host | |
Product Description | The Topsec Vulnerability Scanning and Management System is a comprehensive vulnerability detection and assessment product which is independently developed based on the Next Generation Topsec Operating System (NGTOS). With years of research and accumulation on attacks such as system vulnerabilities and service backdoors, Topsec launched the product which can deeply detect the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system by smartly traversing rule library or by various scanning options. Based on the scanning results, the Topsec Vulnerability Scanning and Management System can provide test cases to help check the accuracy of the vulnerability. Meanwhile, it can also provide solutions to help administrators fix vulnerabilities and improve overall security. | |
Vendor's Note | - | |
Test Information | Test Specification | 4.0.8 |
Interoperability Test Scneario | 4.0.5 | |
Information for Series of Product |
Interoperable Devices |
Router | |||
1 | Vendor Name | FreeBSD Project | ||
Device Name | FreeBSD | |||
Version | 9.1-release | |||
2 | Vendor Name | Ubuntu Project | ||
Device Name | Ubuntu | |||
Version | 12.04.2 LTS | |||
Host | ||||
1 | Vendor Name | OpenBSD Project | ||
Device Name | OpenBSD | |||
Version | 5.3 | |||
2 | Vendor Name | NetBSD Project | ||
Device Name | NetBSD | |||
Version | 6.0 | |||
Target supporting Advanced Functions: |
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)
- Configuring Multicast Packet Size - Multicast Routing(Router Only) - RFC 4191 Type C Host(Host Only) - Duplicate Overlapping Fragments - Beyond Scope of Source Address(Router Only) - Tracking Connections for ICMPv6 - Router Advertisement DNS (Host Only) |