Details of Logo 02-C-002707

TOP > 02-C-002707


Logo ID 02-C-002707
Approved Date 2023/09/11
Application ID CN-2-C-20230816-001176
Applied Date 2023/08/16
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category Core Protocols
Vendor Name QI-ANXIN Legendsec Information Technology (Beijing) Inc .
Country CN
Product Name (original) QI-ANXIN Legendsec Threat Intelligence Detection Platform QAXTIP
Product Version (original) V2.0
Product Description (original) QAXTIP V2.0 (abbreviation: QAXTIP) is a security product launched by QAX Group for enterprises and institutions based on QAX cloud-based big data and providing machine-readable intelligence context services for enterprise security big data platforms after security operation through QAX Threat Intelligence Center. The system relies on the massive network security and Internet basic data resources accumulated by QIANXIN Group over the years, and provides threat intelligence data services after security operation, with threat intelligence data types including: failure detection intelligence, black IP intelligence, file reputation intelligence, vulnerability intelligence, local cache of hundreds of millions of massive hotspot libraries, providing local API interface integration, while providing multi-source intelligence aggregation capability, supporting syslog log detection, through the leading and high-quality threat intelligence and security big data platform, including: SOC, SIEM, SPLUNK, ELK and other platform interface integration, to achieve threat discovery, assist users to carry out APT attacks, malware, phishing sites and other network security event detection, assess the overall harm of network security events, and improve the efficiency and Success rate. Improve the overall security capability of enterprises through security operations.
Product Name QI-ANXIN Legendsec Threat Intelligence Detection Platform QAXTIP
Product Version V2.0
Product Classification Host
Product Description QI-ANXIN Legendsec Threat Intelligence Detection Platform V2.0 (abbreviation: QAXTIP) is a Localized security product with comprehensive threat intelligence capabilities for enterprise users. It achieves localized management and application of intelligence including compromise detection intelligence, IP reputation intelligence, file reputation intelligence, vulnerability intelligence, security advisories, etc., and has multi-source intelligence aggregation and log detection capabilities. The product can capaciate leading high-quality threat intelligence to user's local security equipment , which enables enterprises to conveniently and efficiently utilize threat intelligence in security construction to enhance their detection, response and prevention capabilities, to achieve accurate, comprehensive and timely discovery of threats, to complete rapid characterization, research and judgement of events, and enhance the overall security capability of the enterprise through security operations.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification 5.1.2
Interoperability Test Scneario 5.0.5
Information for Series of Product
1 Vendor Name FreeBSD Project
Device Name FreeBSD
Version 9.1-release
2 Vendor Name OpenBSD Project
Device Name OpenBSD
Version 5.3
1 Vendor Name Microsoft
Device Name Windows 10
Version 1903
2 Vendor Name Ubuntu Project
Device Name Ubuntu
Version 18.04.5
Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)
- Configuring Multicast Packet Size
- Multicast Routing(Router Only)
o RFC 4191 Type C Host(Host Only)
o Duplicate Overlapping Fragments
- Beyond Scope of Source Address(Router Only)
- Tracking Connections for ICMPv6
- Router Advertisement DNS (Host Only)