Details of Logo 02-C-002815

TOP > 02-C-002815


Logo ID 02-C-002815
Approved Date 2024/01/21
Application ID CN-2-C-20240105-001262
Applied Date 2024/01/05
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category Core Protocols
Vendor Name Beijing Anpro Information Technology Co.,Ltd.
Country CN
Product Name Xcheck Software Composition Analysis Platform
Product Version V4.0
Product Classification Host
Product Description Xcheck Software Composition Analysis (SCA) platform is the first domestic product in China to adopt dynamic instrumentation technology. As a software supply chain security management platform in the open-source governance sector, it focuses on addressing security risks related to the introduction of open-source software and software supply chains within enterprises. The Xcheck Software Composition Analysis platform is based on core capabilities such as multi-source SCA for detecting open-source application security flaws, multi-level open-source dependency mining, deep code homogeneity detection, binary detection, and combines the unique application probe technology of Xmirror to accurately identify third-party open-source components referenced by software developers during the application development process. Through the application composition analysis engine, it extracts open-source component characteristics from multiple dimensions, calculates component fingerprints, and deeply mines various security vulnerabilities and open-source license risks hidden within the components. By automatically generating machine-readable, internationally standardized software bill of materials, it transparently presents software supply chain assets and ensures software supply chain security.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification 5.1.2
Interoperability Test Scneario 5.0.5
Information for Series of Product
1 Vendor Name FreeBSD Project
Device Name FreeBSD
Version 9.1-release
2 Vendor Name OpenBSD Project
Device Name OpenBSD
Version 5.3
1 Vendor Name Microsoft
Device Name Windows 10
Version 1903
2 Vendor Name Ubuntu Project
Device Name Ubuntu
Version 18.04.5
Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)
- Configuring Multicast Packet Size
- Multicast Routing(Router Only)
o RFC 4191 Type C Host(Host Only)
o Duplicate Overlapping Fragments
- Beyond Scope of Source Address(Router Only)
- Tracking Connections for ICMPv6
- Router Advertisement DNS (Host Only)