Details of Logo 02-C-002877

TOP > 02-C-002877


Logo ID 02-C-002877
Approved Date 2024/04/25
Application ID CN-2-C-20240402-001303
Applied Date 2024/04/02
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category Core Protocols
Vendor Name 360 Digital Security Technology Group Co., Ltd
Country CN
Product Name 360 IBAS NT-IBAS
Product Version V2.0
Product Classification Host
Product Description The 360 IBAS is a high-performance internet behavior management product that identifies comprehensive and rich control methods. It can finely identify and control behaviors such as online communities, P2P/IM bandwidth abuse, online games, stock trading, online multimedia, and illegal website access in the network, and utilize intelligent flow control, intelligent blocking, intelligent routing and other technologies, combined with innovative social network behavior management functions and clear and easy-to-use management log functions, to provide comprehensive and comprehensive online behavior management solutions. Thus ensuring the bandwidth of critical network applications and services, conducting in-depth analysis and comprehensive auditing of network traffic and user online behavior, providing users with a comprehensive understanding of network application models and traffic trends, optimizing their bandwidth resources, and conducting various businesses with strong support.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification 5.1.3
Interoperability Test Scneario 5.0.6
Information for Series of Product
1 Vendor Name FreeBSD Project
Device Name FreeBSD
Version 9.1-release
2 Vendor Name OpenBSD Project
Device Name OpenBSD
Version 5.3
1 Vendor Name Microsoft
Device Name Windows 10
Version 1903
2 Vendor Name Ubuntu Project
Device Name Ubuntu
Version 18.04.5
Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
- Transmitting Echo Requests(Passive Node)
- Configuring Multicast Packet Size
- Multicast Routing(Router Only)
o RFC 4191 Type C Host(Host Only)
- Duplicate Overlapping Fragments
- Beyond Scope of Source Address(Router Only)
- Tracking Connections for ICMPv6
- Router Advertisement DNS (Host Only)