Details of Logo 02-CD-000861

TOP > 02-CD-000861


Logo ID 02-CD-000861
Approved Date 2012/12/13
Application ID IN-2-D-20120913-000111
Applied Date 2012/09/13
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category DHCPv6
Vendor Name Intel Corporation
Country IN
Product Name XMM2250, XMM2230, XMM6260, XMM6360, XMM7160, XMM7260
Product Version Version 2
Product Classification Client
Product Description XMM Series of Communication Processor Platforms from Intel Corporation. The Communication Processor Platforms have different categories like feature phones, smart phones, data cards and modules. The IP Stack for the XMM Series is being certified.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification Phase II Test Specification - DHCPv6 - Revision 1.1.4
Interoperability Test Scneario DHCPv6 Interoperability Test Suite - Revision 1.1.0
Information for Series of Product
The Client simulation of the IP Stack runs on Windows machine.
IPv6 Core Protocols Logo ID 02-C-000861
1 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
2 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
1 Vendor Name WIDE-DHCPv6 Project
Device Name WIDE-DHCPv6
Version 20080615
2 Vendor Name DIBBLER
Device Name DIBBLER
Version 0.8.2
Relay Agent
1 Vendor Name WIDE-DHCPv6 Project
Device Name WIDE-DHCPv6
Version 20080615
2 Vendor Name DIBBLER
Device Name DIBBLER
Version 0.8.2
Start-up procedure
of DHCPv6 Client
- Manual
o Received RA
Target supporting
Advanced Functions
o Address Assignment
o DNS Configuration in parallel with Address Assignment
o Stateless DHCPv6 for DNS configuration
- Prefix Delegation
- DNS configuration in parallel with Prefix Delegation