Details of Logo 02-CD-002301

TOP > 02-CD-002301


Logo ID 02-CD-002301
Approved Date 2022/11/04
Application ID CN-2-D-20220825-000113
Applied Date 2022/08/25
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category DHCPv6
Vendor Name Guangzhou Hotspot Software Technology Co., Ltd.
Country CN
Product Name Network Certification Management System Dr.COM 2000
Product Version V6.2
Product Classification Server
Product Description Dr.COM 2000 network authentication management system is a network access integrated management server product designed for telecom operators and large and medium-sized park networks. the product adopts the network operating system developed independently by the Dr.COM to realize network user access authentication, access authorization and billing, and access audit, access policy control and IP management in various business scenarios.
Dr.COM 2000 network authentication management system can also be used as the network infrastructure to support the operation of the park network according to the needs, providing address allocation management, network equipment security linkage, domain name resolution, DPI analysis and user control strategy linkage.
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification 1.1.5
Interoperability Test Scneario 1.1.1
Information for Series of Product
IPv6 Core Protocols Logo ID 02-C-002301
1 Vendor Name Dibbler dhcp server
Device Name Dibbler
Version 0.8.2
2 Vendor Name Ubuntu Project
Device Name Ubuntu
Version 12.04 LTS
1 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
2 Vendor Name -
Device Name -
Version -
Relay Agent
1 Vendor Name Internet Systems Consortium
Device Name ISC DHCP
Version 4.1-ESV-R16
2 Vendor Name The KAME Project
Device Name WIDE-DHCPv6
Version 20080615
Start-up procedure
of DHCPv6 Client
- Manual
- Received RA
Target supporting
Advanced Functions
o Address Assignment
o DNS Configuration in parallel with Address Assignment
o Stateless DHCPv6 for DNS configuration
- Prefix Delegation
- DNS configuration in parallel with Prefix Delegation