Details of Logo 02-CR-003081

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Logo ID 02-CR-003081
Approved Date 2025/03/25
Application ID CN-2-R-20250323-000112
Applied Date 2025/03/23
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category SRv6
Vendor Name Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Country CN
Product Name ATN 910D-A
Product Version V800R024C00SPC500
Product Classification SRv6 Router
Product Description The ATN series are case-shaped products used for multi-service access on the edge of metropolitan area networks (MANs). The ATN series together with the NetEngine 8000 series can be used to build route-based MANs that support end-to-end fixed mobile convergence (FMC) bearing. To help carriers overcome the resource, cost, and service challenges inherent to the access layer during mobile network evolution, the ATN series adhere to Huawei's "Any Media" concept and provide sustainable IP RAN and enterprise leased line solutions to 2G, 3G, and Long Term Evolution (LTE) applications. The ATN adopts an advanced routing architecture and a uniform platform to receive, transmit, and bear multiple types of services on an all-IP network. This improves network flexibility and transmission efficiency, helps construct reliable carrier-class packet transport networks (PTNs), and reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO).
Vendor's Note
    In SRv6LC partB, RUT enable UDP tracert, So it would not transmit parameter problem message while receive a SRv6 packet which upper-layer header is UDP.
Test Information Test Specification SRv6 Comformance 1.0
Interoperability Test Scneario -
Information for Series of Product
IPv6 Core Protocols Logo ID 02-C-003081
Transport(SRv6 Router)
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The other couple of Routers
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Target supporting
Advanced Functions:
- Support TLV
- Support End.T