Details of Logo 02-CSM-000137

TOP > 02-CSM-000137


Logo ID 02-CSM-000137
Approved Date 2006/04/20
Application ID IN-2-M-20051122-000111
Applied Date 2005/11/22
Usage Agreement Agreed
OEM Licensor's Logo ID -
Note -
Target Information
Test Category
Vendor Name Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd India Software Operations
Country IN
Product Name SISOv6 Stack
Product Version 3.7.0
Product Classification Mobile Node
Product Description IPv6 Protocol Stack over Ethernet (10/100 Base-T) / IPv6 Protocol Stack (Host/Router)
Vendor's Note -
Test Information Test Specification -
Interoperability Test Scneario -
Information for Series of Product -
IPv6 Core Protocols Logo ID -
IPv6 MIPv6 (CN) ID (or Application ID) -
Home Agent
1 Vendor Name KAME
Device Name KAME TCP/IP Protocol Stack
Version kame-20050815-freebsd54-snap / FreeBSD, 5.4
2 Vendor Name Helsinki University of Technology
Device Name MIPL 2.0
Version pre-RC3 / Linux 2.6.11
Correspondent Node
1 Vendor Name Helsinki University of Technology
Device Name MIPL 2.0
Version pre-RC3 / Linux 2.6.11
Device Name Mobile IPv6 Protocol Stack
Version V1.0-alpha / Linux 2.4
Mobile Node
1 Vendor Name Helsinki University of Technology
Device Name MIPL 2.0
Version pre-RC3 / Linux 2.6.11
2 Vendor Name KAME
Device Name KAME TCP/IP Protocol Stack
Version kame-20050815-freebsd54-snap / FreeBSD, 5.4
Target supporting Functions - Home Registration (BU/BA w/IPsec)
- Real Home Link
- Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery
- Mobile Prefix Discovery (MPS/MPA w/IPsec)
- Return Routability (HoTI/HoT w/IPsec)
- Mobile to Mobile (It is necessary to mark "Return Routability")
- Fine-Grain Selectors